Showing all 177 results
VW Type 1 twin port manifold gaskets 3250
EMPI 5212 Type 3 twin ICT Manifold kit
VWK04 Type 1 twin Weber IDF40 kit – CSP bellcrank
VWK09 Type 1 twin Weber IDF40 kit – CSP & K&N
19630.007 Weber DCO/SP 48 carburettor
VWK11 Type 1 twin Dellorto DRLA36 kit – CSP & K&N
DHLA Single / Twin carburettor linkage
LINK06 Twin cable DCOE carburettor linkage
VWK13 Type 4 twin Weber IDF40 kit – CSP & K&N
VWK16 Type 1 single port – twin Weber 34ICT kit: CSP bellcrank
VWK18 Type 1 dual port – twin Weber 34ICT kit: CSP bellcrank
Alfa Romeo DOHC manifold for twin DHLA/DCOE
VWK22 Type 4 twin Weber IDF44 kit – CSP & K&N
LINKW2 DCOE / DCOM Twin carburettor linkage
STLK100 DCOE Twin carburettor Magard style linkage
VWK25 Type 4 twin Dellorto DRLA36 kit – CSP & K&N
VWK36 Type 4 twin Weber IDF48 CB performance kit
VWK37.1 Type 4 Twin IDF 48 kit CSP WEBER K&N
99901.628 Weber LP2000 LP4000 linkage kit throttle cable
VWK40 Type 1 dual port – twin Weber 48IDA kit: CB Performance
VWK42 Twin Dellorto recon DRLA40 type 25 kit
18990.061 Weber IDF 44 carburettor (without starter)
VWK44 Twin Weber IDF40 carburettor kit Waterboxer WBX
VWK45 Twin Reconditioned Dellorto DRLA 40 kit Waterboxer WBX
99901.645 Weber Twin cable pedal block
Used and tested Malpassi Lotus turbo regulator
TLK008 Twin cable pedal block
Twin linkage bolt & nuts – short
Twin linkage bolt & nuts – long
12392 DRLA Twin fuel union/banjo – large bolt
12311 Dellorto DRLA Single fuel union/banjo – large bolt
7890 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHBL / PHBH / PHF / PHBL / PHM Fuel inlet union / banjo – Twin – 8mm
10354.018 Weber DCOM twin fuel banjo
CB3155 Type 1 twin IDA Manifolds
VW T1 dual port Weber ICT manifold kit type 1
CB3156 Type 4 twin Dellorto DRLA & Weber IDF Manifold kit CB-Performance
CB3160 Porsche 356/912 inlet manifolds for IDF/DRLA CB-Performance
EMPI Type 1 twin DRLA / IDF Manifold kit
CB3157 Type 1 twin DRLA/IDF BIG BEEF
EMPI Type 3 twin DRLA / IDF Manifold kit
Type 4 twin DRLA / IDF Manifold kit
WPK05 Weber 45DCOE carburettor kit with 100mm manifold – BMC A-Series (Mini)
WPK06 Weber 45DCOE carburettor kit with 140mm manifold – BMC A-Series (Mini)
WPK24 Weber 45DCOE carburettor kit with 100mm manifold – BMC A-Series (Mini)
MW4810A BMW 2000/2002 manifold to suit twin DHLA/DCOE 40’s
MW4810B BMW 2000/2002 manifold to suit twin DHLA/DCOE 45’s
MAN022 BMW 2000/2002 manifold to suit twin DHLA/DCOE 45’s
Fiat Twin cam manifold to suit single 40/45 Dellorto DHLA/Weber DCOE
WPK01 Twin Weber 45 DCOE carburettor kit Ford Zetec
PFO201 Twin Weber 45 DCOE carburettor kit Ford1.6/2.0/2.1 Pinto
PFO202 Genuine Weber twin 40DCOE performance carburettor kit Ford Xflow 1.6
WPK03 Twin Weber 40 DCOE carburettor kit Ford 1.6/1.7 X/flow
WPK04 Twin Weber 40 DCOE Ford pre X-flow carburettor kit
PFO101 Weber 32/36 DGV carburettor kit Ford Pinto 1.6/2.0L
PFO204 Twin Weber 44IDF carburettor kit Ford Pinto RS2000 GP1
MM2351 Ford Pinto, OHC 1.6 2.0 To suit twin DRLA , IDF
M4286B Ford Zetec 16V manifold to suit DHLA/DCOE 40s or 45s – 95mm long
MW5000 Ford Zetec 16V Dellorto DHLA / Weber DCOE manifold
Lancia Fulvia manifold DHLA/DCOE
WPK07 Weber 45DCOE carburettor kit with manifold – MGB 1800 B series
M4150 MG B type manifold to suit twin SU 1
M4982B Peugeot Mi16 1900/2000 16v manifold for twin DHLA/DCOE
WPK16 Twin Weber 45 DCOE carburettor kit VW Golf 16v
WPK17 Twin Weber 40 DCOE carburettor kit VW Golf 8v
WPK18 Twin Weber 45 DCOE carburettor kit VW Golf 8v
M04020032 VW Polo, Golf 1.1, 1.3L to suit twin DHLA DCOE 40mm
MAN008 Volvo B21 manifold for Dellorto DHLA45 Weber DCOE45
WPK15 Twin Weber 45 DCOE carburettor kit Volvo B18/20
WPK25 Twin Weber 45 DCOE performance carburettor kit Volvo B21
M4920 Volvo B18/B20 manifold for twin 48DCOE DHLA 48
Showing all 177 results