Showing all 108 results
2453 Trumpet SS1 25-30mm / VHB 27-30
Ducati Paso / PHM Front manifold
2993 Trumpet UA -MA
4 Column Manometer and pouch
YR6DES Bosch spark plug (DCPR8E)
Dellorto & Weber Power tuning guide
MCT03 Trumpet SS1 50mm / VHB 27-30
2471 Trumpet SS1 36, 38, 40 & 42 – 100mm long
17026 Dellorto Electronic control unit ECU 14
PHBG Carburettor mounting rubber 25mm
Rotax Max Bush removal/insertion tools
PHBL Carburettor mounting rubber 31mm
PHBL / PHBH stepped rubber mounting sleeve
PHBH / Mikuni -Amal stepped rubber mounting sleeve
Malossi Jet box
Aprilia RS50 manifold
PHF-PHBE Carburettor mounting rubber 44mm
17400 Dellorto VHSH Rubber manifold 35mm
MBU0089 Dellorto PHF-PHBE stepped carburettor mounting rubber 40-44mm
PHM Carburettor mounting rubber 46mm
C1153 Pipercross double trumpet sock 50mm deep
C1151 Pipercross double trumpet sock 100mm deep
C1050 Pipercross single trumpet sock (small) (1Pair)
C1051 Pipercross single trumpet sock (large)
CLIP2 Mounting clip 32-50mm
CLIP3 Mounting clip 40-60mm PHF PHBE PHM
00233 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHF Trumpet with gauze 48mm long
01203 PHBG / UB / UM Trumpet with gauze 23mm long VHB20-26 *
01520 Dellorto PHBH Trumpet with gauze 44mm long
3100 Dellorto PHBG – UB – VHB trumpet, 65mm long
Weber DCOE DCO/SP trumpets / ram pipes / velocity stacks
Dellorto PHBH MCT09 Trumpet with gauze 30mm long
Dellorto PHBH MCT10 Trumpet with gauze 60mm long
MCT04 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHF Trumpet with gauze 45mm long Dellorto M48 thread
MCT05 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHF Trumpet with gauze 70mm long
MCT06 Dellorto PHM Trumpet with gauze 36mm long
MCT07 Dellorto PHM Trumpet with gauze 45mm long
MCT08 Dellorto PHM Trumpet with gauze 70mm long
Dellorto PHBH Lambretta 200-250 intake manifold
MCT11 Dellorto PHBL Trumpet with gauze 45mm long
5901 Dellorto PHBG – UB – VHB offset trumpet 76mm long
STE Synchrometer SK Airflow meter for DHLA DCOEs
MCT02 Trumpet 50mm long with gauze PHBG UB VHB20-26
AFDCOE63 DHLA/DCOE air filter 63mm
AFDCOE45 Dellorto DHLA/Weber DCOE air filter 45mm
AFDCOE83 DHLA/DCOE air filter 83mm
EMPI5720 IDF 44 Trumpet covers
EMPI9024 Chrome DRLA/IDF air filter 63mm
CB3381 CB Performance air filter stud fixing kit
AFB301 Chrome DHLA/DCOE air filter 63mm
RF352S Lynx Ramflo Air filter for CD175 Stromberg Zenith
69909.600 Weber DCOE / DCOM 40 Auxiliary venturi 600
AFB340 Weber DGAV/S Chrome air filter 45mm
AFB360 Weber DCNF Chrome air filter 45mm
Trumpet 40mm fitting , 40mm long*
Dellorto PHBL Rubber manifold 30mm
Dellorto PHBH / VHSH Rubber manifold 35mm –
Trumpet with gauze 44mm long – PHBL *
8270 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA Air filter-trumpet stud M6 x 32mm long
Weber IDF trumpets
MCT01 Trumpet with gauze 35mm long – PHF
C602D Pipercross PX600 90mm Deep
C603D Pipercross PX600 120mm Deep
Pipercross PX600 blank base plate
Pipercross PX500 blank base plate
EMPI9032 Chrome DFAV/DFEV air filter 63mm
AFICTCONE ICT FRD Cone filter 52mm
AF60MMCONE 60mm Cone filter – 120mm tall
AF001 Weber ICT FRD oval filter 52mm fitting neck
AF002 Dellorto PHM oval filter 52mm fitting neck
EMPI2823 ICT Rectangular air filter 45mm deep
EMPI9029 63mm Air filter element
9680 T Piece – plastic 5mm
8mm Fuel line Y Piece – plastic
9862 Dellorto Vacuum pipe
In line fuel filter 6mm
CLIP63 63mm Air filter clip
CLIP45 45mm Air filter clip
Filtrino In line fuel filter 8mm pipe size
C3002 Pipercross PX300 air filter 55mm deep
C3003 Pipercross PX300 air filter 80mm deep
FCL0767 Pipercross Dzus fastener screw
52848.001 Weber DCNF double trumpet
Bolt on 38mm diameter, 60mm long, red
WES26 Weber DCOE 45 Trumpet sleeve
8559 Bolt on trumpet to suit 45/48s, 48mm long
C6004 Pipercross PX600 115mm Deep
99903.922 Weber DCOE 40 trumpet sleeve – Alfa
Dellorto DHLA Trumpet nuts and bolts
Dellorto/Weber DHLA/DRLA Nut M6 x 1mm
ITG Panex Stud Ring head – Dzus fastener
11023 Dellorto Fuel pulse pump
MCT15 Keihin PWK PE Trumpet 76mm long 50mm fitting diameter
MCT16 Keihin PWK OKO KOSO Trumpet 45mm long 55mm fitting diameter
MCT13 Dellorto PHBL Trumpet 40mm long, 40mm fitting diameter
MCT14 Dellorto PHBH Trumpet 40mm long 44mm fitting
W40/30G Weber slot in trumpet to suit 40s, 30mm long with gauze
52840.022 Weber 35 DCNL trumpet 48mm long
52840.012 Weber slot in trumpet for 40DCOE, 38mm long – Genuine Weber
W40/60G Weber slot in trumpet to suit 40s, 60mm long with gauze
W45/38 Weber slot in trumpet to suit DCOE 45s, 38mm long
W45/60 Weber slot in trumpet to suit DCOE 45s, 60mm long
W45/60G Weber slot in trumpet to suit DCOE 45s, 60mm long with gauze
56-9096 SU HS6 – H6 1.75″ Round filter
56-9106 DHLA DCOE Small oval 45mm deep
E-3340 K&N filter small oval element 83mm deep
Showing all 108 results