Showing all 139 results
10005.408 Weber DCN 40 Throttle shaft
16184 Dell’Orto throttle body o ring
16437 Dellorto 52mm Butterfly – suits R93049
2388 Throttle stop screw SS1 25-30
R11872 48mm Throttle Body MGF / TF / Lotus
TS726 Weber 40 DCO3 Spindle
18260 Dellorto Husqvarna – Mito VHST Throttle position sensor
WES03 Weber DGAV / DGAS spindle bearing upgrade kit
WES04 Weber DCOE throttle spindle repair kit including bearings
DHLA Single / Twin carburettor linkage
LINK06 Twin cable DCOE carburettor linkage
11731 Dellorto PHSB / VHSA / VHSB / VHSC Throttle stop screw 36-38
LINKW2 DCOE / DCOM Twin carburettor linkage
STLK100 DCOE Twin carburettor Magard style linkage
9990290100 DHLA throttle position sensor bracket
9990265400 DCOE throttle position sensor bracket
1532 Dellorto Throttle stop screw
WE436 Weber DCOE Comprehensive Service Kit OE Quality
99901.628 Weber LP2000 LP4000 linkage kit throttle cable
11630 Throttle stop – Mixture screw spring
12794 Throttle stop screw
53086 Dellorto PHVA/PHBN Throttle stop screw assembly
99902.655 Spindle lever
Linkage kit cable 1 metre
Linkage kit cable 3 metre
58480.02601 Potentiometer support plate
99902.047 TPS connector pin
99901.669 Weber TPS Connector block
99901.757 TPS Connector boot
10551 Dellorto PHSB / VHSA / VHSB / VHSC vacuum adapter
10015.450 Weber ICT Throttle spindle
10143 Dellorto DRLA Throttle shaft – DRLA36 Alfa Sud type
10672 Dellorto PHF / PHM Throttle lever / spindle right hand
8604 Dellorto DHLA 40/45/48 throttle shaft
8829 Dellorto PHF Throttle lever / spindle left hand
8833 Dellorto PHF Throttle lever / spindle – centre
8840 Dellorto PHF Throttle lever / spindle right hand
8941 Dellorto PHF / PHM Throttle lever / spindle right hand
8943 Dellorto PHF Throttle lever / spindle left hand
10015.494 Weber ICT Throttle spindle – VW
8708 Dellorto PHF (middle carb) Lever
11484 Dellorto DRLA throttle shaft spindle DRLA36/40/45/48 Alfa/VW type
12025 Dellorto DRLA Throttle shaft DRLA48 In-line with lever
12026 Dellorto DRLA Throttle shaft DRLA48 In-line
10005.243 Weber IDF 40 & 44 throttle shaft
10005.244 Weber IDF 48 throttle shaft
10133 Dellorto DRLA 36 Throttle butterfly disc
11738 Dellorto PHSB Throttle stop screw 34-35
64005.007 Weber 34 ICT / ICH throttle butterfly
7481 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA 40 throttle butterfly disc
8010 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA 45 Throttle butterfly disc
8563 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA 48 throttle butterfly disc
10674Dellorto PHF / PHM Throttle lever / spindle left hand
53076 Dellorto PHF / PHM Throttle stop screw assembly
12144 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHM / PHF / PHBH / PHBL / PHBN / PHVA Throttle stop screw cover
11733 Dellorto PHSB / VHSA / VHSB / VHSC Plastic top ring
10509 Dellorto DHLA Lotus 2.0/2.2 throttle lever
45048.054 Weber ICT Throttle lever
7516 Dellorto DHLA Alfa type throttle lever
9289 Dellorto FRD Throttle lever
EMPI10122 Weber IDF Lever
EMPI10123 Weber IDF lever
EMPI10124 Weber IDF throttle stop lever
7149 Dellorto FRD Throttle lever
7094 Dellorto FRD Throttle lever
DES04 Dellorto DHLA/DHLB/DRLA/FRD/FRDA/FRDB/FRDC/FZD Cable throttle lever
99903.959 Weber DGV/DGAV/DGAS/DGMS Throttle lever
11140 Dellorto DHLA Lotus turbo throttle lever
11129 Dellorto DHLA Lotus turbo balance lever
Dellorto DHLA carb throttle position sensor
11732 Dellorto PHSB / VHSA / VHSC / VHSB plastic top cover (two piece)
64625.012 Weber DCOE Throttle stop screw
64625.015 Weber IDF Throttle stop screw
6898 Dellorto DHLA/DHLB Throttle stop screw – coarse
7928 Dellorto Throttle stop screw
9754 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA Throttle stop Screw (fine thread)
WES44 Weber adjustable throttle lever
8386 Dellorto DHLA Throttle stop screw bush
99902.668 Weber DCO/SP 48 Throttle position sensor
9990266000 Weber DCOE40/45 Throttle position sensor
WES46 Weber DCOE/IDF Throttle disc for cable connection
47610.078 Weber DCNF throttle return spring
47610.035 Weber IDF Throttle return spring
7951 Dellorto DHLA Throttle return spring peg – USED
7957 Dellorto DHLA Throttle return spring
10158 Dellorto DRLA D Throttle return spring
8950 PHF Throttle cable support
7504 Dellorto DHLB Throttle return spring
10229 Dellorto DRLA Throttle lever with ball
10631 Dellorto DRLA Throttle shaft in-line DRLA40/45
10632 Dellorto DRLA Throttle shaft for in-line DRLA40/45
8399 Dellorto FRD lever
KC041 Linkage / spindle disc
DGV-DGAS-DGMS Throttle wheel
Cable clamp – inner
KC917 Linkage kit / throttle wheel Weber DGV DCD DGAS DGMS
CSP Type 1 IDF/DRLA bell crank linkage kit
CB3396 Heim joint extension 2″ for Type 3 & 4 Dell’orto FRD
CB3395 Heim Joint extension 1 1/8″ left side IDF
CB2726 Manifold gasket for Porsche 356 & 912 CB-Performance
R2217 SHA 14.9L
Bolt on 38mm diameter, 60mm long, red
8559 Bolt on trumpet to suit 45/48s, 48mm long
45032.032 Weber DCN Spindle lever
Showing all 139 results