Showing all 246 results
11836 Dellorto Top cover screw
11867 SI idle screw
12762 Dellorto SI Mixture screw
12764 Dellorto SI Mixture screw
1752 Mixture screw holder
178AH10 Screw
2388 Throttle stop screw SS1 25-30
3816 Screw
7407 Screw – shouldered
7412 Clamp screw
8110 Screw
64750.012 Weber Mixture screw
WES03 Weber DGAV / DGAS spindle bearing upgrade kit
14859 Top cover with 90 Deg elbow
Weber ADF 32 / 34 Service kit
16618 VHST Top cover screw
12110 Screw
SKT15 Weber ADFA 32 service kit
5537 Screw- adjuster
1491 Screw
3318 VHB/ SHB top cover screw
4956 Screw
15425 Air mixture screw
4190 Fuel banjo screw
53108 Idle speed screw assembly
11731 Dellorto PHSB / VHSA / VHSB / VHSC Throttle stop screw 36-38
3997 Screw
13060 Choke clamp screw
5417 SHA Choke assembly shouldered screw
9990290100 DHLA throttle position sensor bracket
4574 SI Idle screw
6615 Dellorto FHC Mixture screw
6236 Dellorto FHC Mixture screw
3598 SHA Float bowl screw
11837 SHA Float bowl screw with washer
12544 Venturi retaining screw
3357 Dellorto Mixture screw
11221 Dellorto Mixture screw cap
13513 Dellorto SI Mixture screw
4626 Idle speed screw
2115 Mixture screw
4573 SI Mixture screw 23mm long
8611 SI 24.24 Mixture screw 0.6mm point
14130 Air mixture screw
2420 Screw
1532 Dellorto Throttle stop screw
1101 SS1 20-30 mixture screw
13691 Air mixture screw
14055 Air mixture screw Anti-tamper
14056 Air mixture screw
14740 Air mixture screw
14858 Screw – Allen
2086 Float chamber bolt
1580 Screw – countersunk
4686 Screw – countersunk
6433 Dellorto FZD Screw – long
13709 Float bowl screw
7249 Screw
11630 Throttle stop – Mixture screw spring
4269 SS1 25 -30 Manifold clamp screw
12794 Throttle stop screw
1096 Stop screw locknut
1308 Screw
6431 Screw
53004 PHBN Angled cable choke kit
2986 Dellorto Choke support
2125 Dellorto Choke support
99901.558 Weber Cable ferrule
Weber 32/34 DMTL service kit
9720 FHC mixture screw
FHC Variable main jet screw
FHC Variable main jet screw holder
FHC Variable main jet screw spring
53064 Dellorto FHC Variable main jet kit
10551 Dellorto PHSB / VHSA / VHSB / VHSC vacuum adapter
8260 Dellorto PHBD/ PHBE / PHB / PHBG / PHBH / PHBL / PHF / PHM / VHSH Mixture screw washer
11650 Dellorto PHM Choke body screw – long
8711 Dellorto PHM Choke body screw
9042 Dellorto PHM Allen screw
11738 Dellorto PHSB Throttle stop screw 34-35
11752 Dellorto PHSB / VHSA / VHSB / VHSC / VHSH Choke assembly retaining screw
12094 Dellorto PHSB / VHSA / VHSB / VHSA / VHSH Fuel filter screw cap
69909.600 Weber DCOE / DCOM 40 Auxiliary venturi 600
70003.450 Weber DCOE40 – Auxiliary venturi – Spring clip type 70003.450
9145 Dellorto PHM vacuum take off union BMW
53076 Dellorto PHF / PHM Throttle stop screw assembly
TLK008 Twin cable pedal block
8539 Dellorto PHF / PHM Pump adjustment screw
11084 Dellorto PHF / PHM Mixture screw
8428 Dellorto PHF / PHM Pump cover screw
7745 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHM / PHF / PHBH / PHBL / VHSD / VHDG Choke assembly fixing screw
7449 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHBH / PHBL / PHF / PHM / VHB / VHBZ / VHBT Mixture screw
8542 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHBH / PHBL / PHF / PHM Top cover screw
12144 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHM / PHF / PHBH / PHBL / PHBN / PHVA Throttle stop screw cover
10295.34 Dellorto PHBE / PHB 34 intake bellmouth
12531 Dellorto PHBH Air screw
12908 Dellorto PHBH / PHBL Mixture screw
12951 Dellorto PHBH Dellorto Air screw
53023 Dellorto PHBH Idle mixture screw kit – 9908 type
9908 Dellorto PHBH / PHF Mixture screw 36mm
Solex 32 DIS Mixture screw
Solex 32 DIS Mixture screw O ring
SOS02 Solex PHH Idle mixture screw
11282ZK Solex Mixture screw PDSI PDSIT INAT EEIT
Solex PICT mixture screw
S.10742 Solex TDID Mixture screw
SOS25 Porsche 912 Solex PII idle mixture screw
SOS27 Solex main jet carrier
SOS28 Solex EEIT Mixture screw
SOS29 Solex 40PI mixture screw
11733 Dellorto PHSB / VHSA / VHSB / VHSC Plastic top ring
SOS34 Solex PICT mixture screw
SOS35 Solex PICT mixture screw
52155.003 Weber DCOE 45 Locking washer
58000.006 Weber DCOE/DCO/IDF mixture screw screw cup washer
7508 Dellorto DHLA Progression hole cover screw
7513 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA/DHLB Pump weight cap screw
8857 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA progression hole cover screw
9569 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA pump weight cap screw
EMPI10122 Weber IDF Lever
EMPI10123 Weber IDF lever
11732 Dellorto PHSB / VHSA / VHSC / VHSB plastic top cover (two piece)
9174 Dellorto DRLA Choke outer cable screw
64610.014 Weber DGAV / DGAS Water choke housing screw
64700.013 Weber IDF Choke cover screw
11068 Dellorto DHLA DRLA hexagon head mixture screw
6405 Dellorto FRD Mixture screw
64590.004 Weber DGAS Screw
64750.001 Weber DCOE/DGAS Idle mixture screw
64750.003 Weber DCOE/ICT Mixture screw – long
64750.025 Weber DGAV DGEV DGV Mixture screw
64750.048 Weber ICT Mixture screw
64750.051 Weber IDF/ DGAS mixture screw
64750.058 Weber DCO/SP DCOM Mixture screw
64755.007 Weber DCNF Mixture screw
7360 Dellorto DHLB/FRG Mixture screw – 3mm tip
Dellorto DHLB mixture screw – 6mm tip
8025 Dellorto DHLA Mixture screw
8381 Dellorto DHLA Mixture screw
9335 Dellorto DHLA Mixture screw (5mm tip length)
9656 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA Mixture screw – standard
WES01 Weber IDF mixture screw seat
Dellorto DHLA DRLA M7 mixture screw tap
64750.056 Weber DCNF Mixture screw – Knurled
64750.023 Weber DCOE 38 & 40 Mixture screw
64750.029 Weber IDF Air by-pass screw
10154 Dellorto DRLA Float pivot screw
10339 Dellorto DRLA Float hinge screw
3370 Dellorto PHBG Screw
61015.002 Weber 45DCOE9 // 40DCOE 34/35 – Progression hole cover screw
6305 Dellorto PHBD Manifold clamp screw
Dellorto FZD Screw
6416 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA/DHLB/FZD/FRD/DCOE Butterfly screw
6429 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA/DHLB/PHF/PHM Screw
6435 Dellorto FZD Screw
64520.023 Weber ICT Butterfly screw
64595.005 Weber DGAV Adjusting screw
64605.017 Weber DCOE Choke cable clamp screw
64615.004 Weber Screw
64695.034 Screw
64625.012 Weber DCOE Throttle stop screw
64625.015 Weber IDF Throttle stop screw
64625.017 Weber DGAV Throttle stop screw
64695.012 Weber ICT/DCOE Screw with washer
64695.021 Weber DCOE Top cover screw
64695.034 Weber DGAV DGEV DGV Screw
64700.008 Weber DGAV Screw
64700.012 Weber DCNF ICT Screw
64830.002 Weber IDF Venturi fixing screw
64830.006 Weber DCOE/M 40 Grub screw
64840.003 Weber DCOE 45 Venturi locking screw
6898 Dellorto DHLA/DHLB Throttle stop screw – coarse
Dellorto DHLB 32 Venturi locking screw
7507 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA Venturi grub screw
7667 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA/DHLB Pump rod clamp screw
Dellorto FZD Screw
7928 Dellorto Throttle stop screw
7959 Dellorto DHLA/DHLB Vacuum blanking screw
8176 Dellorto DHLA/DHLB Air bleed screw
8382 Dellorto DHLA Air bleed screw
9517 Dellorto PHBG/PHBD Idle mixture screw 2.5mm tip length
18226 Dellorto PHBD Screw
9754 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA Throttle stop Screw (fine thread)
9926 Dellorto DRLA / DHLA Air bleed screw
99900.082 Weber IDF/ICT/DCNF Top Cover Screw – 20mm long
99900.488 Weber DCNF/ICT/IDF Top Cover Screw – 16mm long
DES01 Dellorto DRLA Choke cover screw M4x8
S56801052 Weber DGAS/DGAV Choke flap screw
S57392022 Weber DCOE IDF Butterfly screw
S57392032 Weber Butterfly screw
WES19 Weber DCOE 40/45 choke cable screw
64800.002 Weber DCOE choke inner cable screw
WES22 Weber DCOE Throttle stop screw (Left handed)
64570.006 Weber DCOE countersunk steel butterfly screw
WES28 Weber DCOE Throttle stop screw (Right handed)
64695022 Weber ICT return spring bracket screw
8386 Dellorto DHLA Throttle stop screw bush
8797 Dellorto VHB VHBT VHBZ Banjo screw
6434 Dellorto DHLA/DHLB Choke cable clamp screw
64695.021W Weber DCOE Top cover screw
14231 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA/DHLB Top cover Screw
7530S Dellorto DHLA DHLB Jet cover screw stainless steel
7530 Dellorto DHLA/DHLB Jet cover screw
52848.015 Weber DGAV / DGAS Air horn
47600.062 Weber IDF Mixture screw spring
7446 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHBH / PHBL / PHF / VHSA / VHSB / VHSC Mixture screw spring
64950.004 Weber Screw
64700.014 Screw
6449 Dellorto DHLA 48 Choke retaining screw
61015.003 Screw
64615.002 Screw
6484 Dellorto FZD Screw
8498 Dellorto DRLA Float screw circlip
SX106 Solex 32 PAITA service kit Mercedes 220A 219
SX716A Solex 32 & 34 PAITA Service kit Mercedes-Benz 220S
Showing all 246 results