Showing all 22 results
PBV38437230 Fiat Ford Lancia Vauxhall
PBV38830 Ford Escort, Fiesta
VK-384-RC1-H Renault 19 1.8 16V
VK-384-TOY1-H Toyota Mitsubishi
VK-384-Z1-H Ford Lancia
STE06 STE Synchrometer 90 degree elbow adaptor 06
STE0618 STE Synchrometer 90 degree elbow adaptor 06 and 32-55mm adaptor 18
STEK4 Synchrometer SK airflow meter for DHLA DCOE with 90 degree elbow adaptor 06 and 32-55mm adaptor 18
10605 Dellorto PHSB Main Jet anti surge washer
10620 Dellorto PHSB Vacuum adaptor fuel pipe
10649 Dellorto PHSB vacuum adapter clip
9365 Dellorto PHBG Airbox adaptor
VK-384-18-H BMW Ford Fiat Lancia
VK-384-VTEC1-H Honda Vtec
Plastic ‘Herbie’ pipe clip 20.8-23.6mm
Plastic ‘Herbie’ pipe clip 12.2mm-14.8mm
Vacuum hose 3.5mm
Clear green 8mm fuel line
PBV372 Vauxhall
PBV39435 Citroen Ford
PBV41630 Saab
Showing all 22 results