Showing all 22 results
60104 Facet Posi-Flow Fuel pump 1.5-4.0 psi
60106 Facet Posi-Flow Fuel pump 4.0-6.0 psi
60107 Facet Posi-Flow Fuel pump 7-10 psi
60104K Facet Posi-Flow Fuel pump kit 1.5-4.0 psi with unions
60106K Facet Posi-Flow Fuel pump kit 4.0-6.0 psi with unions
60107K Facet Posi-Flow Fuel pump kit 7-10 psi with unions
Anti pulse valve – vacuum
STEK3 Synchrometer Airflow meter with SU Stromberg adaptor 18
One way valve – 6mm tails
7644 Dellorto DRLA /DHLA Idle jet
One way valve – 8mm tails
7485 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA/DHLB Air corrector jet
AFDCOE83 DHLA/DCOE air filter 83mm
AFB300 Chrome DHLA/DCOE air filter 45mm
AFB301 Chrome DHLA/DCOE air filter 63mm
MW4230 Ford Escort/Fiesta 1.6L Crossflow manifold to suit DGV/DGAS
MW4242A Ford Escort/Fiesta 1.6L Crossflow manifold to suit DHLA/DCOE 40s – 3.1inch Long
Showing all 22 results