Showing all 401 results
56-9265 DHLA DCOE Small oval air filter 83mm deep
2 Column Manometer and pouch
4 Column Manometer and pouch
Carburettor to manifold spacer mount including O rings
Dellorto & Weber Power tuning guide
Magard style heritage twin cable throttle linkage kit for Dellorto DHLA carburettors
AL01 Alfa Romeo/Fiat Rubber manifold adaptor Weber DCOE Dellorto DHLA
Magard style heritage twin cable throttle linkage kit for Dellorto DHLA carburettors with levers
Dellorto DHLA lever – Male for LP4301/4303
FAJS Dellorto DHLA 40 carburettor replacement Lotus Alfa
FAJS Dellorto DHLA 45 carburettor replacement
DHLA Single / Twin carburettor linkage
Thackery washer
ST3501 Carburettor mounting coil spring
DES28 Weber DCOE Dellorto DHLA Carburettor soft mounting coil spring set of 4
Alfa Romeo DOHC manifold for twin DHLA/DCOE
PDK01 FAJS 45 DHLA OHC Ford Pinto 2L carburettor kit
PDK05 FAJS Dellorto 45 DHLA Mini – A Series engine carburettor kit
PDK06 FAJS Dellorto 45 DHLA MGB 1800cc B Series engine carburettor kit
PDK07 FAJS Dellorto 45 DHLA Jensen Healey Lotus 907 engine carburettor kit
PDK03 FAJS Dellorto 45 DHLA VW Golf GTi 1.6 / 1.8 engine carburettor kit
PDK04 FAJS Dellorto 45 DHLA Volvo B18/20 carburettor kit
PDK02 FAJS 40 DHLA Ford X-Flow crossflow performance carburettor kit
9990290100 DHLA throttle position sensor bracket
52528 Dellorto DHLA universal gasket set (non -turbo)
MAN028 Toyota 2/3TC Dellorto DHLA / Weber DCOE manifold kit
MAN029 Dellorto DHLA / Weber DCOE manifold kit to suit 1.6L Ford crossflow engines
Misab Manifold to carburettor mounting plate
FK0001 Weber Manifold to carb. mounting plate
Dellorto DHLA40H/N Carbs – Reconditioned
Dellorto DHLA40E Carbs – Reconditioned
Dellorto DHLA40 pre-emission carbs – reconditioned
Dellorto DHLA40F Carbs – Reconditioned
DES24 Dellorto DHLA 40 Carb service kit inc anti surge gasket springs
DES25 Dellorto DHLA 40 Twin carb service kit inc anti surge gasket springs
SPCR45 DCOE – DHLA 45mm Alloy carburettor mounting spacer
SPCR48 DCOE – DCO/SP – DHLA 48mm Alloy carburettor mounting spacer
SPCR50 DCOE – DCO/SP – 50mm Alloy carburettor mounting spacer
SPCR40 DCOE – DHLA 40mm Alloy carburettor mounting spacer
99900.519 DCOE / DHLA 45 Manifold spacer
Dellorto DHLA 40/45 Lotus Esprit Turbo service kit – for 2 carburettors
52597 Dellorto DHLA 45D/P Gasket set – Lotus
Dellorto DHLA 45D- P service kit (Lotus)
Dellorto DHLA45 carbs – reconditioned
Dellorto DHLA45 E – Reconditioned – Recessed mixture screws
Dellorto DHLA45 E – Reconditioned – External mixture screws
DES26 Dellorto DHLA 45 Carb service kit inc anti surge gasket springs
DES27 Dellorto DHLA 45 Twin carb service kit inc anti surge gasket springs
Dellorto DHLA48 Carburettors – reconditioned
Dellorto DHLA40 G Reconditioned
C1153 Pipercross double trumpet sock 50mm deep
C1151 Pipercross double trumpet sock 100mm deep
52586 Dellorto DHLA turbo gasket set
Dellorto DHLA turbo conversion kit
7484 Dellorto DHLA/DHLB/DRLA Main jet
STE Synchrometer SK Airflow meter for DHLA DCOEs
STEK1 STE Synchrometer Airflow meter with 90° elbow adaptor 06
STEK3 Synchrometer Airflow meter with SU Stromberg adaptor 18
3315 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA/DHLB starter jet + ME T1 main jet
7644 Dellorto DRLA /DHLA Idle jet
8391 Dellorto DHLA long idle jet
8383 Dellorto DHLA 40 Venturi / choke
7956 Dellorto DHLA 45/48 Venturi / choke
8564 Dellorto DHLA 48 Venturi / choke
7485 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA/DHLB Air corrector jet
7772 Dellorto DHLA / DHLB Emulsion tube
7850 Dellorto DHLA Idle jet holder / emulsion tube
7482 Dellorto DHLA/DHLB/DRLA starter emulsion tube
7851 Dellorto DHLA / DRLA / PHM / PHF pump jet
8083 Dellorto DHLA/DHLB pump jet – Vertical
10317 Dellorto DHLA Lotus Turbo Jet
11135 Dellorto DHLA Viton float needle valve and seat
12358.350 Dellorto DHLA Float needle valve and seat 350
8080 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHBH / PHBL / PHF / PHM Float needle valve – sprung loaded (strong)
8809 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA/DHLB/FRD/FDZ Viton float needle valve and seat
Dellorto DHLA Metal tipped float needle valve – sprung loaded
8808M Dellorto DHLA Metal tipped float needle valve – sprung loaded
AFDCOE63 DHLA/DCOE air filter 63mm
AFDCOE45 Dellorto DHLA/Weber DCOE air filter 45mm
7298.1 Dellorto DHLA/DHLB float assembly 8.5g
AFDCOE100 Dellorto DHLA / Weber DCOE air filter 100mm
AFTBDCOE45 DCOE Style throttle body air filter 45mm tall
11137 Dellorto DHLA Power jet delivery tube
7529 Dellorto DHLA/DHLB Power jet
AFDCOE83 DHLA/DCOE air filter 83mm
12328 Dellorto DHLA Top casting gasket – Turbo
7509 DHLA pump body gasket – Standard
7511 Dellorto DHLA Jet cover gasket – Standard
8084 Weber DCOE / DHLA40 Alfa manifold gasket
8302 Weber DCOE/DHLA45 Alfa manifold gasket
9220 Dellorto DHLA Top casting gasket – anti-surge
9358 Dellorto DHLA Top casting gasket – standard
9933 Dellorto DHLA Jet cover gasket – Turbo
Dellorto DHLA 40 Weber DCOE 40 air cleaner gasket
Weber DHLA / DCOE 45/48 air cleaner gasket
WES40 Weber DCOE Dellorto DHLA insulator plate (pair)
10264 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA Turbo spindle O ring
6173 Dellorto DHLA / DRLA / DHLB / PHBE / PHB / PHBH / PHBL / PHBR / PHF / PHM / VHST Choke jet/pump jet O ring
10742 Dellorto DHLA pump diaphragm
7515 Dellorto DHLA pump diaphragm
9583 Lotus Dellorto DHLA45E pump diaphragm
9667 Dellorto DHLA Pump diaphragm
9673 Dellorto DHLA Pump diaphragm
7515C Dellorto DHLA pump diaphragm
DES20 Dellorto DHLA universal pump diaphragm
7662 Dellorto DHLA/DHLB/DRLA Fuel banjo fibre washer – Outer
7663 Dellorto DHLA/DHLB/DRLA Fuel banjo fibre washer – Inner
ECP12 Dellorto DHLA/DHLB Fuel banjo fibre washer and filter kit
10262 turbo spindle seal for Dellorto DHLA/DRLA
8604 Dellorto DHLA 40/45/48 throttle shaft
AFB300 Chrome DHLA/DCOE air filter 45mm
8352A Genuine Dellorto DHLA 40 / 45 throttle spindle
MW4430B Weber 2 x 45 DCOE / Dellorto 45 DHLA Triumph Dolomite Sprint inlet manifold kit
7503 Dellorto DHLA/DHLB Float pivot pin
AFB301 Chrome DHLA/DCOE air filter 63mm
AFB302 Chrome DHLA/DCOE air filter 83mm
7481 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA 40 throttle butterfly disc
8010 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA 45 Throttle butterfly disc
8563 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA 48 throttle butterfly disc
7848 Dellorto DHLA 40 auxiliary venturi
8011 Dellorto DHLA 45/48 Auxiliary venturi
9925 Dellorto DHLA Turbo jet cover
9925A Dellorto DHLA Turbo jet cover – vertical pipe connection
9988 Dellorto DHLA Turbo jet cover with union
9924 Dellorto Turbo top cover
8183 Dellorto DHLA top cover – early type
9601 Dellorto DHLA Top cover
9361 Dellorto DHLA top cover – early type
Dellorto / Weber DCOE/CO/SP/DHLA Top cover casting float pillar repair
MMW4050 Mini / A Series 4 inch manifold to suit single Dellorto DHLA / Weber DCOE 45
9818 Dellorto DHLA Top cover NOS
10263 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA Turbo spindle star washer
4650 Dellorto DHLA / DHLB / PHB / PHB / PHBE / PHBH / PHBL / PHF / PHM / VHB Washer
4997 Dellorto DHLA/DHLB Spring washer
6581 Dellorto DHLA/DHLB/DRLA Spindle nut lock washer
7537 Dellorto DHLA DRLA spindle washer
7739 Dellorto DHLA Brass Spacer
7837 Dellorto DHLA Choke actuator cam / spindle spring washer
7958 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA/DHLB Spindle end cover
10358 Dellorto DHLA Tamperproof plug
7153 Dellorto DHLA/VHSA/VHSB/VHSC Blanking plug – 7mm
7508 Dellorto DHLA Progression hole cover screw
7513 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA/DHLB Pump weight cap screw
8857 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA progression hole cover screw
9569 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA pump weight cap screw
7853R Dellorto DHLA DHLB Choke actuator cam bush USED
10381 Dellorto Late Alfa lever
10509 Dellorto DHLA Lotus 2.0/2.2 throttle lever
11089 Dellorto DHLA Alfa cable quadrant lever
7341 Dellorto DHLA DHLB Choke actuating lever
7516 Dellorto DHLA Alfa type throttle lever
8304 Dellorto DHLA Lotus balance lever
9759 Dellorto DHLA Alfa type balance lever
DES04 Dellorto DHLA/DHLB/DRLA/FRD/FRDA/FRDB/FRDC/FZD Cable throttle lever
11140 Dellorto DHLA Lotus turbo throttle lever
11129 Dellorto DHLA Lotus turbo balance lever
9228 Dellorto DHLA lever
Dellorto DHLA carb throttle position sensor
WES21 Weber Dellorto DHLA DCOE Lotus Lever cable retainer
8307 Dellorto DHLA Pump rod assembly
9662 DHLA Pump rod sleeve – 26mm long
Dellorto DHLA 40/45 Pump rod
9931 DHLA Turbo pump housing cover
7550 Dellorto DHLA 40/45/48 Pump body casting
7502 Dellorto DHLA Pump cover assembly
9665 Dellorto DHLA Pump 40G cover assembly
9860 Dellorto DHLA Pump cover assembly
9932 Dellorto DHLA Pump cover assembly
DES29 Reconditioned Dellorto DHLA Pump cover assembly
10744 Reconditioned Dellorto DHLA45 D / M Pump cover assembly stamped 27
DES30 Reconditioned DHLA Pump cover housing 27 with landing points
DES30A Reconditioned DHLA Pump cover housing 27 no landing points
7550B Reconditioned DHLA Pump cover housing
8058 Dellorto DHLA 45 / 48 Pump cover assembly
7660 Dellorto DHLA Fuel union/banjo – Single
7661 Dellorto DHLA T Fuel union/banjo
8490 Dellorto DHLA DHLB Return fuel union/banjo
7659 DHLA/DHLB Fuel union/banjo bolt
1419 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA/DHLB Fuel union/banjo filter
CUA008 Dellorto DHLA Fuel union/banjo set
7659A Dellorto DHLA/DHLB Fuel union/banjo bolt and washers
7151 Dellorto DHLA DHLB Trumpet stud – short, Lotus type
7630 Dellorto DHLA Trumpet stud – Long, Alfa type
7853 Dellorto DHLA DHLB Choke actuator cam bush
10128 Dellorto DHLA Choke actuator cam / spindle -Turbo
7488 Dellorto DHLA DHLB Choke cable support bracket including cable locking screw
7498 Dellorto DHLA DHLB Choke actuator cam (Early) USED
7501 Dellorto DHLA / DHLB choke piston cover nut
7535 Dellorto DHLA Choke diffusor
7548 Dellorto DHLA DHLB Choke Piston (Early)
7838 Dellorto DHLA/DHLB Choke return spring cup washer
9609 Dellorto DHLA Choke Piston (Late)
9610 Dellorto DHLA Choke actuator cam (Late)
Dellorto DHLA45 – Choke link rod assembly
9611 Dellorto DHLA Choke actuator cam bush USED
Dellorto DHLA40E – Choke link rod assembly (short)
RF445S Lynx Ramflo Air filter for DHLA 40, 45, 48, DCOE 40, 45
11068 Dellorto DHLA DRLA hexagon head mixture screw
8025 Dellorto DHLA Mixture screw
8381 Dellorto DHLA Mixture screw
9656 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA Mixture screw – standard
Dellorto DHLA DRLA M7 mixture screw tap
6429 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA/DHLB/PHF/PHM Screw
6898 Dellorto DHLA/DHLB Throttle stop screw – coarse
7507 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA Venturi grub screw
7667 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA/DHLB Pump rod clamp screw
7959 Dellorto DHLA/DHLB Vacuum blanking screw
8176 Dellorto DHLA/DHLB Air bleed screw
8382 Dellorto DHLA Air bleed screw
9926 Dellorto DRLA / DHLA Air bleed screw
6430 Dellorto DHLA top cover screw
8386 Dellorto DHLA Throttle stop screw bush
6434 Dellorto DHLA/DHLB Choke cable clamp screw
7530S Dellorto DHLA DHLB Jet cover screw stainless steel
7530 Dellorto DHLA/DHLB Jet cover screw
10315 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA Pump rod nut
2906 Dellorto DHLA Nut
6390 Dellorto DHLA/DHLB/FZD Nut
6423 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA/DHLB/FZD/FRD Nut – Spindle / grub screw locking
7625 Dellorto DHLA Pump rod adjuster nut
3793 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA/DHLB Split pin
7490 Dellorto DHLA/DHLB/DRLA Spindle bearing
7525 Dellorto DHLA/DHLB Pump jet weight
9337 Dellorto DHLA Pump jet weight
9570 Dellorto DHLA Pump jet weight
WES07 Weber DCOE IDF Dellorto DHLA DRLA Brass spindle bush 8, 10 & 20mm long
99903.980 Dellorto/Weber DHLA/DCOE rubber carburettor mount – Mercedes 190SL
ECP19 Weber DCOE Dellorto DHLA Rod linkage manifold mounting bracket
10387 Dellorto DHLA long spindle nut
11845 Dellorto/Weber DHLA/PHF/DCOE Vacuum take off adaptor 0.8mm bore
9679 Dellorto/Weber DHLA/PHF/DCOE Vacuum take off adaptor 3mm bore
11120 Dellorto / Weber DHLA / PHF / DCOE Vacuum take off adaptor 0.6mm bore
GAUZE40 Weber DCOE IDF 40 Dellorto DHLA DRLA 40 Mesh air filters (pair)
GAUZE45 Weber Mesh air filters DCOE45 DHLA & DRLA45
MSK001 Dellorto/Weber DCOE/DHLA45 manifold spacer kit 32mm
10738 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA Idle jet holder
10747 Dellorto DHLA/DHLB/PHF/PHM Pump jet holder
10801 Dellorto DHLA Small pump rod spring
7208 Dellorto DHLA pump rod spring – Long
7413 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA/DHLB/SHA Choke piston spring
8543 Dellorto DHLA DRLA pump jet weight spring
10748 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA pump jet filter
6391 Dellorto DHLA/DHLB/FZD/FRD Diaphragm Spring
9636 Dellorto DHLA 40G pump rod spring
2638 Dellorto DGHLA/DHLB/SHA Balance lever spring
7951 Dellorto DHLA Throttle return spring peg – USED
7854 Dellorto DHLA Choke return spring
7957 Dellorto DHLA Throttle return spring
9664 Dellorto DHLA Pump rod spring
DES12 Dellorto DHLA stainless steel heat shield
6449 Dellorto DHLA 48 Choke retaining screw
9752 Dellorto DHLA/DRLA Balance lever pin
9498 Dellorto DHLA Needle valve filter
KC041 Linkage / spindle disc
DHLA left hand lever
DHLA right hand lever
1JC20 ITG Weber Dellorto DCOE DHLA base plate
2JC20 ITG Weber Dellorto 40 DCOE DHLA base plate
JCS21 ITG Double trumpet sock
PX300 Pipercross Backplate DHLA DCOE
40/15 Bolt on trumpet to suit 40s, 15mm long
40/25 Bolt on trumpet to suit 40s, 25mm long
40/25BLUE Bolt on trumpet to suit 40s, 25mm long
40/25GOLD Bolt on trumpet to suit 40s, 25mm long
40/25RED Bolt on trumpet to suit 40s, 25mm long
40/25G Bolt on trumpet to suit 40s, 25mm long with gauze
FR4030 Bolt on 40mm x 30mm long
8257 Bolt on trumpet to suit 40s, 43mm long
8257GOLD Bolt on trumpet to suit 40s, 43mm long
8257RED Bolt on trumpet to suit 40s, 43mm long
8257BLUE Bolt on trumpet to suit 40s, 43mm long
FR4050 Bolt on 40mm x 50mm long
40/50 Bolt on trumpet to suit 40s, 50mm long
40/60 Bolt on trumpet to suit 40s, 60mm long
40/60RED Bolt on trumpet to suit 40s, 60mm long
40/60GOLD Dell’Orto Weber bolt on trumpet to suit 40s, 60mm long
40/60G Bolt on trumpet to suit 40s, 60mm long with gauze
E40/60G Bolt on trumpet to suit 40s, 60mm long with gauze (untapered)
40/75 Bolt on trumpet to suit 40s, 75mm long
40/100 Bolt on trumpet to suit 40s, 100mm long
40/125 Bolt on trumpet to suit 40s, 125mm long
40/150 Bolt on trumpet to suit 40s, 150mm long
45/15 Bolt on trumpet to suit 45/48s, 15mm long
45/25 Bolt on trumpet to suit 45/48s, 25mm long
45/25GOLD Bolt on trumpet to suit 45/48s, 25mm long
45/25BLUE Bolt on trumpet to suit 45/48s, 25mm long
45/25RED Bolt on trumpet to suit 45/48s, 25mm long
45/25G Bolt on trumpet to suit 45/48s, 25mm long with gauze
FR4530 Bolt on 45mm x 30mm long
45/40 Bolt on trumpet to suit 45/48s, 40mm long
45/40BLUE Bolt on trumpet to suit 45/48s, 40mm long
8559 Bolt on trumpet to suit 45/48s, 48mm long
45/48RED Bolt on trumpet to suit 45/48s, 48mm long
45/48BLUE Bolt on trumpet to suit 45/48s, 48mm long
Empi Bolt on trumpet to suit 45/55s, 55mm long
FR4550 Bolt on 45mm x 50mm long
45/60 Bolt on trumpet to suit 45/48s, 60mm long
45/60T Bolt on tapered trumpet to suit 45/48s, 60mm long
45/60GOLD Bolt on trumpet to suit 45/48s, 60mm long
45/60BLUE Bolt on trumpet to suit 45/48s, 60mm long
45/60RED Bolt on trumpet to suit 45/48s, 60mm long
45/60G Bolt on trumpet to suit 45/48s, 60mm long with gauze
EMPI6054 EMPI Bolt on trumpets for 44/45mm 100mm long
45/75 Bolt on trumpet to suit 45/48s, 75mm long
45/100 Bolt on trumpet to suit 45/48s, 100mm long
45/125 Bolt on trumpet to suit 45/48s, 125mm long
45/150 Bolt on trumpet to suit 45/48s, 150mm long
EMPI6056 EMPI Bolt on trumpet for 44/45mm – 152mm long
MW4700-45 Weber 45 DCOE / Dellorto 45 DHLA Datsun 240Z, 260Z, 280Z manifold and linkage kit
MW4700-40 Weber 40 DCOE / Dellorto 40 DHLA Datsun 240Z, 260Z, 280Z manifold and linkage kit
48/25 48mm Internal diameter trumpet 25mm long
48/35 48mm Internal diameter trumpet 35mm long
48/50 48mm Internal diameter trumpet 50mm long
48/75 48mm Internal diameter trumpet 75mm long
50/45 Weber 50 & 55 DCO/SP Aluminium carburettor trumpet
8075 Dellorto DHLB Trumpet
8075G Dellorto DHLB Trumpet with fixed gauze
Dellorto DHLA Trumpet nuts and bolts
Dellorto/Weber DHLA/DRLA Nut M6 x 1mm
D4545S Bolt on 45mm diameter, 45mm long, silver
19128F FAJS DHLA 45 Lotus Esprit carburettors 2.2 spec
MAN010 Mini / A Series swan neck manifold to suit single Dellorto DHLA / Weber DCOE 45
MAN011 Austin Mini A Series 100mm inlet manifold for Dellorto DHLA / Weber DCOE 45
M4050 Mini / A Series 4 inch manifold to suit single DHLA/DCOE 45
MT0058 BMW 6 cylinder manifold and linkage set
MW4810A BMW 2000/2002 manifold to suit twin DHLA/DCOE 40’s
MW4810B BMW 2000/2002 manifold to suit twin DHLA/DCOE 45’s
MAN022 BMW 2000/2002 manifold to suit twin DHLA/DCOE 45’s
Fiat Twin cam manifold to suit single 40/45 Dellorto DHLA/Weber DCOE
MAN025 Ford OHC Pinto 1.6/2.0L 2 x 45 Dellorto DHLA / Weber DCOE manifold
MAN026 Peugeot Mi16 Dellorto DHLA / Weber DCOE 45mm manifold
M048 Ford 1.6 Crossflow manifold to suit single 40 DHLA/DCOE
MW3019 Ford pre-crossflow manifold to suit twin DHLA DCOE 40s
MW4242A Ford Escort/Fiesta 1.6L Crossflow manifold to suit DHLA/DCOE 40s – 3.1inch Long
MW4230 Ford Escort/Fiesta 1.6L Crossflow manifold to suit DGV/DGAS
M4270 Ford 1.6 2.0L OHC manifold to suit 2 x DHLA/DCOE
MW4270B Ford 1.6 2.0L OHC manifold to suit 2 x Dellorto/Weber DHLA/DCOE
MW4270C Ford Pinto 1.6 2.0L OHC inlet manifold to suit 2 x Dellorto/Weber 48 DHLA/ DCOSP
M4286B Ford Zetec 16V manifold to suit DHLA/DCOE 40s or 45s – 95mm long
MW5000 Ford Zetec 16V Dellorto DHLA / Weber DCOE manifold
MW3037 Jaguar 3.4 6 Cyl 3 x DCOE DHLA non straight port head
Lancia Fulvia manifold DHLA/DCOE
56-9104 K&N DHLA DCOE Small oval filter 63mm deep
56-9106 DHLA DCOE Small oval 45mm deep
56-9107 K&N DHLA DCOE small oval 102mm deep
Lotus 907 2.0/2.2 Litre manifold for DHLA/DCOE (Reconditioned)
Lotus 907 2.0/2.2 Litre manifold for DHLA/DCOE (Reconditioned)(A)
Lotus 907 2.0/2.2 Litre manifold for DHLA/DCOE (Reconditioned)(B)
Lotus 907 2.0/2.2 Litre manifold for DHLA/DCOE (Reconditioned)(D)
Lotus 907 2.0/2.2 Litre manifold for DHLA/DCOE (Reconditioned)(C)
MAN014 MGB manifold Weber DCOE Dellorto DHLA 94mm long
MAN018 MG A-series Austin Healey Mini manifold to suit single 45 Dellorto DHLA/Weber DCOE 140mm long
MW0033 MGB manifold Weber 45 DCOE / Dellorto DHLA 45 125mm long
M4170 MGB type manifold to suit single DHLA/DCOE 45
MW4980B Peugeot 1.6, 1.9 205 Gti Manifold to suit DHLA, DCOE 40s or 45s
M4982B Peugeot Mi16 1900/2000 16v manifold for twin DHLA/DCOE
MAN009 Saab 99 -900 Manifold for twin Weber DCOE Dellorto DHLA
M4390 Talbot Avenger, Horizon Manifold to suit twin DHLA, DCOE
MAN019 Toyota 3K, 4K, 5K manifold to suit twin 45 Dellorto DHLA Weber DCOE
MW3136 Toyota Celica 2T manifold DCOE
MW23 Toyota Corolla 1600 4AGE manifold 16V
MW0091 – Weber DCOE Inlet Manifold to fit Truimph GT6
M4550 Opel Kadett 1 x 45 DHLA/DCOE
M4560 Vauxhall Opel Nova Corsa Astra Kadett 1.2 & 1.3 to suit twin 40 DHLA DCOE
ECP20 Alternator tensioning bracket Opel Vauxhall Corsa, Kadett D, Kadett E 1.3
M4567 Vauxhall Opel 2L OHC Manifold to suit twin DHLA/DCOE
M4570B Vauxhall/Opel 1.6 / 1.9L RWD manifold to suit DHLA/DCOE 45s
MAN017 VW Golf manifold to suit single 45 Dellorto DHLA/Weber DCOE
M04020032 VW Polo, Golf 1.1, 1.3L to suit twin DHLA DCOE 40mm
MW4650 VW Golf GTi 1.6 / 1.8 8 valve manifold to suit DHLA/DCOE
MAN015 VW Golf GTi 1.6 / 1.8 8 valve manifold to suit 45 DHLA/DCOE
M150 VW Golf 1.3 / 1.6 8v 4 cylinder manifold to suit 45 DHLA/DCOE
MAN008 Volvo B21 manifold for Dellorto DHLA45 Weber DCOE45
MAN027 Volvo B18/B20 Twin 45/48 Dellorto DHLA / Weber DCOE manifold
Volvo B18/B20 manifold to suit single DHLA/ DCOE
Showing all 401 results